The Lowcountry Open Land Trust has extended the campaign to purchase the property next to the Angel Oak.   The Johns Island Conservancy and SaveTheAngelOak.org support this effort and gave a presentation on September 17 to help the cause.   The presentation begin with a history of oak trees and their importance to many different cultures.   Oak trees have a long history in both legend and fact.   They have have been a symbol of wisdom and strength in many cultures.

Did you know that:

  • The name for the ancient Celtic priests, Druids, actually means “oak knower”?
  • There are at least half a dozen famous oak trees in Native American lore? (And likely many more before the loss of tribal cultures.)
  • The first Federal land conservation program dates back to 1794 with the naval live oak reservation program in the Southeast?
  • The epiphytes which grow on live oak trees were used to make mattresses?
  • And the parasites used as holiday decorations?
Angel_OaK_SAOT_04smThe program continued with Samantha Siegel of SaveTheAngelOak.org describing her five year effort to stop development around the Angel Oak on Johns Island.   Mike McShane from the LOLT gave an update on the effort to preserve the Angel Oak.  

To help in the effort to save the Angel Oak, go to the

Lowcountry Open Land Trust’s website and DONATE!