Beachwalker Park Dolphin Sign

Dolphin sign at Sam’s Spit
A new dolphin education sign has been installed along the boardwalk out to Beachwalker County Park. The interpretive sign explains about dolphin strand feeding behavior on Captain Sam’s Spit and provides guidelines for viewers to safely view this unique behavior. You should stay back from the shoreline if you want to see the dolphins come ashore to feed. And never try rush up to them while they are stranding or attempt to go swimming with them for your own safety and theirs. NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ) Fisheries Services regulations prohibit harassing dolphins including interfering with their feeding.

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The sign was cosponsored by the Johns Island Conservancy, the Kiawah Conservancy and the Kiawah Island Community Association Kiawah Cares program. The sign was designed and installed by the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission (CCPRC). Thanks to Patricia Schaefer for the dolphin strand feeding photo used on the sign.
Looks great! I will have to get over to see in person.