Friends of the Kiawah River hosted an outing on the Kiawah River last weekend, October 14. About 100 kayakers were out and a couple of dozen more participants rode the “Pirate Lady”. The dolphins were about but may have been intimidated from stranding by the crowds. Sidi Limehouse, president of Friends, hosted a pig roast at Mingo Point afterwards. It featured roasted squash and pumpkin, field peas in a light dressing with fresh heirloom cherry tomatoes and a green salad, all from Rosebank Farms. Sidi himself served up his own special sauce with the pork.
Volunteer photographer, Vanessa K., took some great pictures out on the Spit including this group of black skimmers with a sandwich tern in winter plummage (lower right – black strip behind head, black bill w/ yellow tip).